dimanche 2 février 2014

exercices sur le présent BE + ING

1 / Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au présent BE + ING

a) I ................................................................... (help) my brother with his homework

b) Helen ................................................................... (play) in her bedroom

c) The children ................................................................... (wash) the dog in the garden

d) We ................................................................... (learn) our French

2 / Remet les phrases dans l’ordre

a)      Are / what / they / the / in / doing / garden / ?

b)      Philip / going / the / with / cinema / you / is / to / ?

c)      On / where / Monday / you / going / are / ?


3 / Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au présent BE + ING

-          Hey Thomas, can you come and help me in the garden ?

-          No mum, I’m very sorry but I………………………………………(learn) my English lesson

-          That’s ok, what ………………………………………(Maggie / do) ?

-          I don’t know, she ………………………………………(not / do) her homework, maybe she 

………………………………………(watch) TV

-          And the twins, what ………………………………………(do)

-          They ………………………………………(practice) for the show.

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